Colorado has recently implemented significant changes to the training requirements for obtaining a concealed carry permit. Under the new regulations, all concealed carry courses must now be a minimum of eight hours in length and include a live-fire range session, with each student required to fire at least 50 rounds.
As we work to adapt our training program to meet these updated standards, we are in the process of securing suitable venues, including ranges that can accommodate our students for the required live-fire portion of the class. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to locate a suitable range near Glenwood Springs. The Basalt Public Shooting Range near Eagle is not available for large classes, which presents a challenge.
This is where we could use your help. If you know of a private range or property in the Glenwood Springs area that could be used for the shooting portion of our class, we would greatly appreciate any leads. We are more than willing to compensate the property owner with a fair range fee and ensure that all necessary safety measures and insurance requirements are met.
If you have any connections or suggestions, please send us an email or give us a call. Your assistance in helping us continue to provide quality firearms training under these new regulations would mean a great deal to us and our future students.